Saturday, March 27, 2010


Let’s tell the truth, we need each other in our lives. No man is an island is a time-old saying. We need each other’s support, encouragement, love, care, advice and help. We need human beings in our lives. Fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, nephews, uncles, aunts, husbands, wives, neighbours, colleagues, ministers, friends, enemies are very important to have around us. This is because they all contribute to shape our lives in one way or the other. For good or bad we need to have people in our lives. Whether we are feeling good or bad we have to share it with some one. As the saying goes, joy shared is doubled while sorrow shared is halved. All I’m saying is that we all need relationships in our lives.

A relationship can be good or bad. Robert Murdock says that every relationship is either a deposit or withdrawal in your life. It’s now left to you to choose whether it will be a deposit (positive) or withdrawal (negative) for you. But the fact is we need to have relationships in our lives. We need to form relationships. After all we all descended from one source, one parent – Adam & Eve. Think about it. All through there have been people you meet who made a great impact on your life. People who told you things that changed your life forever. People who gave you help- physically, financially, emotionally and otherwise, whether you know them or not. Those you told you could when you thought you couldn’t, those who told you to do it, when you didn’t have the strength, those who told you to keep on keeping on when you thought you couldn’t go on anymore.

The dictionary describes relationship as a friendship and strong emotional connection between two people. It says relationship can refer to the way people are connected and affect each other. It can also mean a similarity or connection between people. So relationship is all about associations, connections between persons. Everyday and every time we deal with we are relating with each other. So we should learn to use our relationship in a good way. We should make our relationship beneficial to us, our fellow human beings and the society at large.

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