Saturday, May 22, 2010

How to Easily Get Any Girl to Like and Want You? 7 Vital Tips Every Guy Should Read Right Away

. Be yourself:

There is nothing more confusing to a girl than to try and figure out whom the real you are. It is okay to dust yourself off and polish yourself up from time to time but forget the character makeover. If you want her to believe you have a lot going on, be sure you do. The true you will come out at some point in time and you will blow whatever measure of trust you have built up with this girl.

2. Be Respectful:

One of your most endearing qualities is the level of respect you show for the girl you are interested in. Tease her but don't be obnoxious about it. Don't call her derogatory names to show how macho you are and don't belittle her in front of your or her friends. You are trying to attract not detract.

3. Show Interest In Her:

It's fun to talk about yourself but when trying to get a girl to like you, keep the self talk to a minimum and ask about her. Your ulterior motive is to find commonalities you can talk about and share as well as what type of buttons she has. Give her the floor to reveal herself and if she is off the same mindset as you her ulterior motive will be to find out about you and she will give you the floor to talk about yourself.

4. Look for Commonalities:

Part of attracting a girl is having common things to share. It gives the two of you a clicking point. Be willing to explore her interests even if they are not yours. In return, she will be willing to explore your interests, no matter what they are.

5. Be Sincere:

Didn't Conrad Birdie sing about that in the movie "Bye, Bye Birdie?" Insincerity is like Swiss cheese. It is full of holes and anyone can see right through it. Mean what you say and say what you mean. Just don't be mean when you say it.

6. Accentuate Your Positives :

Everyone has elements about them that are better than others. Find your best assets and show them off in an unassuming manner. Put them on display for her to admire. Show her you have the right stuff, baby.

7. Be Full of Surprises:

The unexpected can sometimes return the expected. The element of surprise will sometimes eliminate the expected expectation. An impromptu picnic in the park might result in some hay play later on. A surprise once in a while will show you are thoughtful and considerate and are putting her first. If you throw in a surprise to often, it becomes the expected.

Now listen carefully-

What you are about to discover something most men will never know when it comes to attracting women. This is one thing which is an absolute must know for every man out there. You are about to discover an ultimate secret weapon which will make women chase you around like crazy Even If You Are Bald, Fat Or Ugly!.....Trust me....You don't want to miss this one. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page because it might be the most important message you ever read- Click Here

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Is it Love Or Lust

It can be difficult to determine if what you are feeling for your loved one is actually love or lust. Many times a deep infatuation at the beginning of a relationship will feel like the real thing. But as time moves on, you find all you were looking for is different that what is actually there. Society at times will lead us to believe in the concept of love at first sight. What we feel at the onset of a relationship is actually nothing more than lust.

But what is lust? Well, in general lust is a physical attraction we have to another person that leads our desires to be with them. Often it stems for only physical portions. However, on a rare occurrence we can lust after someone for the knowledge that they posses. It is important to understand that when you lust after someone you are not necessarily lusting sex. Remember that lust is a physical attraction and nothing more. Having a sexual need is something very different.

Love in turn is deeper than a physical level. Often you will find that they two can be combined for the ultimate experience. When you love someone, you want what is truly in their best interest. It is a positive experience, where you begin to do what you can to help improve another persons life. You do not seek out the fights, and cause drama. If you have mistrust, jealousy, insecurity or even spite, what you are feeling is a copycat version of love. This in time will pass. When you love someone, it is with out restrictions. You want to see them as happy as they can be.

But what you are feeling is it love or lust. No one can tell you that for sure. When it comes from the heart, and it is genuine, there is a strong chance you have love. Step back from your relationship and answer the following. When you look over what you do for your partner, are you doing it to make them feel great, or because you them to give back to you?

Remember, lust and love are both unique emotions. While one is a physical desire the other is based on an emotional level. Trust your heart, and if it is right, things will fall into place. Be true to yourself, and love you first and foremost.

Jason has been in the business of dealing with people in their darkest hours for over 20 years. He runs a great blog with his life long partner and love of his life Paige. Don't let the title Get Ex Back mislead you. In addition to helping people get the love of their life back, the site is packed with insightful tips on making relationships work in the real world!

One of his latest posts can be found here Relationship Advice

Article Source:

Saturday, May 8, 2010

How to know if she likes you –10 sure ways

You’ve met this beautiful girl and you wondering if you should take the plunge. This is because you don’t want to make a fool of yourself when you ask her for a date. Here are 10 signs that will tell you yes, go ahead and ask her out.

1 She makes eye contact: When she is always looking at you, it shows that she is interested in you. You know that a girl really like you by the look in her eyes, the frequency and constancy of her looks towards you.

2 She calls you for homework... a lot!!: This is a definite sign that she is into you. She needs your help in almost anything she is doing, whether it’s simple repairs at home or at the work place, with her homework or anything else.

3 She makes some movement while talking to you: Like she flips her hair when she's talking to you, she touches your arm when she talks to you; she is trying to tell you something with those actions.

4 She smiles at you: If a girl talks to you with a big smile, it is a gooood sign that she is waiting for you to take the plunge. Oh Yes, the twinkle in her eyes when she smiles at you is a good sign. Boy has she got a woah smile, and that smile is just for you.

5 She appreciates your kind of friends: If your girl likes and approves of your friends (not the bad ones) she’s really telling you she likes and approve of you. So what are you waiting for?

6 She is always around you: When you go to the movies with a bunch of your friends, she's almost always next to you. She happens to be in your neighbourhood at a certain time, she’s in your way as you are going for lunch. She likes you man.

7 She knows your WHOLE family's names (including your dog): That’s not all she even knows stuff about you like your birthday, and favourite color, screen name, favourite food, favourite band, favourite team, what music you like and
favourite sport.

8 Her friends know you: If the friends of the girl you are thinking of know most things about you, it can only mean that she’s been talking about you a lot to her friends. And that’s because she really likes you.

9 She is a friend: She advises to concentrate on your studies, work hard at your job, don’t do drugs, smoking is not good for your health and stuff like that. If she’s talking like this she cares about you and wants to really be with you.

10 She calls you: Of course she is always calling you, sometimes just to say hi. She calls to find out how you are doing, how was school today or how’s work if you are working. But she is always calling. Maybe you don’t even remember giving her your number but you appreciate the call nonetheless.

Ok, so you are seeing all these signs in a girl you feel strongly about and you are wondering whether… Stop reading, grab that phone and call her. She’s definitely into you and jumps at the idea of a date with you. So make that move today. Ta ra.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

How to know if he likes you –10 sure ways

There’s this hot guy in school, office, church or street that’s always starring at you. You don’t know if he really likes you. Don’t worry, use these signs below to be sure whether he really likes you or you were blocking his view when he was looking at something behind you? Here are ten sure ways to know.

1 He calls you: If the guy makes effort to get your number and your address, he’s a good candidate. When he now goes further to call you to find out how you are doing, he likes you. Sometimes he calls you to talk about nothing at all. When he goes further to visit you at home, he does like you.
2 He is there for you: If that guy is always there when you need him; you know always magically appearing down the street, when you just needed a hand to help you lift up that heavy burden, it is a good sign that he is into you. If you keep running into him at office corridors or outside you’re your classroom, he likes you.
3 He is a friend. He helps you solves problem at work, helps with your homework; forget your jacket? You can wear his; these are clear signs that he is interested in you. You can talk to him about a lot of stuff and he listens. A good sign.
4 Encourages you in your work: Whether it’s your school work, your Sunday school assignment or things at your place of work. He is always encouraging to be at your best he really likes you.
5 He remembers little things you mention in casual conversation: Guys usually don’t have good memory for little details. So when he makes effort to remember to give you presents, especially on your birthdays and any other day special to you; he’s into you.
6 You were invited by him to a group outing: Just because he always wants to be where you are, he wants to be seen with you, he wants to be near you. It’s a clear sign that he likes you.
7 He tells someone: If a guy tells his friends and maybe his sister or brother about you, he is very interested in you.
He wants to know more about you so he asks other people who you are and where you're from. Again when he tells someone that he finds you attractive, he probably knows that it will get back to you. He's hoping it does.
8 The way he looks at you: He gives you a look that totally betrays his calm exterior. When he gives you a look that is sweeping, from your head to your toes, and then his eyes linger on yours. That look is definitely of an interested person. And since he is looking at you, he is interested in you.
9 When he talks: When he manages to get close enough to you, to ask you questions, that’s a yes. He appears to be listening and responds to what you say. He's moving in to the ultimate question, which is: "Are you seeing anyone." He would only ask this question if he wanted to date you, and he hopes the answer is "No."
10 He makes reasons to touch you: And I don't mean sexually. I mean casually-but-often. He puts his hand on your back to help guide you into the movie theater. He brushes a strand of hair out of your face. His foot "just happens" to touch yours under the table at a restaurant. He tells you that you have dirt on your nose when you know you don't. He rests his hand on your shoulder for no reason at all. Oh, boy. Does he ever like you!

When you see seven to eight of the above signs in that guy, make it easy on him when he musters the courage to ask you out. Or you can initiate the outing; you can tell him you really like him and would like to go out with him.